Perhaps you’re a real estate closing attorney in Chicago that wants to add more value to your clientele and add property tax appeal as a related niche. Or maybe you’re a seasoned property tax attorney in Chicago and you desire to automate and scale administrative components of the residential sector of your business growth. Either way, you’re in the right place. Grow your clientele within the real estate property tax appeal niche of your legal practice with our AppealZoo® software.
Outsource to us. We’ll do your homework.
Would you do more residential appeals if you could minimize the cost of the tax analysis and appeal?
Are you so swamped that you just want the job done?
Outsource the appeal work to us for a fraction of the cost of hiring additional employees.
We’re real estate tax freelancers so that you can focus on the stuff that only you can do.
AppealZoo® Tax Appeal Evidence Pricing:
We offer ala carte property tax appeal evidence reports for when you have a deadline coming up and you simply want the evidence in your hands that will support a case for tax relief. Each property tax analysis and appeal evidence report is provided by our internal Real Estate Tax Analysts.